What must be considered when exporting photos with Excire keywords?

What must be considered when exporting photos with Excire keywords?

Once the keywords that Excire Search recognizes for photos have been written to the Lightroom catalog, there are several ways to export these keywords when exporting photos.

Lightroom offers two options for saving keywords in the export options: With and without keyword hierarchy. However, the option selected here must match the options activated in the Plug-in Manager for Excire Search.

Option 1 (without hierarchy):
If you want to export the Excire keywords as a simple list, without your hierarchy, proceed as follows:
  • In the Plug-in Manager, in the Excire Search options, the option "Export including transferred keywords" must be enabled and the option "Export including hierarchy of transferred keywords" must be disabled.
  • When exporting, the "Write keywords as Lightroom hierarchy" option must be disabled in the Metadata section of the Lightroom Export Options.
Option 2 (with hierarchy):
If you want to export the Excire keywords with their hierarchy, follow these steps:
  • In the Plug-in Manager, in the Excire Search options, make sure that the "Export including transferred keywords" option is enabled and the "Export including hierarchy of transferred keywords" option is enabled.
  • When exporting, the "Write Keywords as Lightroom Hierarchy" option must be enabled in the Metadata section of the Lightroom Export Options.
Option 3 (Without Excire Keywords):
If you want to export keywords, but do not want the Excire Keywords to be included in the export, do the following:
  • In the Plug-in Manager, in the Excire Search options, the option "Export including transferred keywords" must be disabled.

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