Restrict authorizations for images or database per department or team

Restrict authorizations for images or database per department or team

A frequently asked requirement:
A database and the photos it contains should only be accessible to a specific department. Other departments should work with their own databases or not be able to access certain photos.

Implementation must take place at network authorization level. Please contact your IT or network administrator for this.

Excire Photo Office Edition can be used to create several databases in the network.
However, the role concept within the administration of Excire Photo Office Edition only restricts certain functions of the program for the corresponding user role. It is not possible to restrict the general opening of a database or access to certain photos or directories.
If this is desired, appropriate authorizations must be set up at network level.
For example, the database and the images could be stored in directories in the network to which only users of a certain department have access.
Please note that Excire Photo creates previews of the images in the database directory. If only access to the photo directory is restricted for a department, the previews would still be visible in the database.