Can the same database be used from multiple computers?

Can the same database be used from multiple computers?

The Excire Search database is always located in the same directory as the Lightroom catalog. If the folder with the Lightroom catalog is copied to a network drive, for example, and opened from another computer, Excire Search will also open the corresponding database.
However, using the database from multiple computers at the same time is not possible and will cause damage to the database.

To use it one after the other works under certain conditions.
However, storing the database including the previews on a network drive may have performance implications.

Problems mixing macOS and Windows in older versions:
When using a Lightroom catalog on both Windows and macOS, it is also important to ensure that new photos are only initialized with Excire Search on one of these operating systems.
Thus, photos must not be initialized alternately under Windows and under macOS. Otherwise, this may result in an error (which occurs when searching with sample photo) that can only be fixed by resetting the database. 
Therefore, since Excire Search 2.1 such alternate initialization is no longer possible.

This note is intended for advanced computer users and system administrators.

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