Can Excire Search be moved or copied to another directory after installation?

Can Excire Search be moved or copied to another directory after installation?

During the installation, any location can be chosen on Windows for the installation. The default path is "C:\Program Files\Excire Search". On Mac OSX, only the default path ("/Applications/Excire Search") is possible. Excire Search consists of the Lightroom plugin (excire-search.lrplugin) and a background program. Both are located in the installation directory.

After installation, the program must not be moved to another location.

If the program has been moved, then a later uninstall cannot be done properly. A later installation of a newer version after a move on macOS will result in only the Lightroom plugin being updated, but not the background program. As a result, Excire Search no longer starts. The error message "Excire Search was not installed correctly. Please reinstall Excire Search." However, contrary to the error message, reinstalling then does not fix the error.

Fixing the problem:
The problem can only be fixed by either moving Excire Search from its new location back to its default location, or (Mac OSX only) deleting it here. This must be done manually. Afterwards, the program can be reinstalled.

If you can't remember where you moved Excire Search to, you can open Terminal on Mac OSX, copy the following command into it, and press Enter:
  1. /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -dump | grep --only-matching "/.*/ "

This should output the path to Excire Search. Any copies that are not in the original installation location (see above) must be deleted for the installation to work again.

Alternatively, the search of the file manager (Windows Explorer / Finder) can of course be used on both operating systems. 

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